Reference Sires
Power Command Crickett McCue
King Fritz Poco Bueno
Poco Jane Mary Jane W
Booger H Queen H
Booger's Jewel Cannon-Ball St. John
Cavell Malba-X
Booger H Chex was the 1980 American Horse Show Association Stock Horse of the Year; 1982 Montana Reined Cow Horse Association Open Bridle Horse Reserve Champion; 1982 Idaho RCHA Open Bridle Horse Finalist; 1983 Montana RCHA Open Bridle Horse Champion; 1983 Idaho RCHA Open Bridle Horse Finalist; 1984 Canadian RCHA Open Bridle Horse Finalist; 1984Montana Open Bridle Horse Champion; 1984 Idaho RCHA Open Bridle Horse Finalist. Katie showed him in all the above mentioned winnings. He has solid "black type" throughout his entire pedigree.
"Booger" was one of the greatest "sliding horses" that King Fritz produced. Booger passed his solid "grit" personality, his very balanced conformation and his abilities to stop and slide to all of his offspring. They are winners/money earners in the American Quarter Horse Association with both professional showman and Novice Riders. They have also won money in the National Cutting Horse Association and the National Reined Cow Horse Association. Several of his foals are outstanding heading and heeling horses as well as calf roping horses.
Booger's son is now the senior sire on the ranch. However, his daughters and granddaughters are the back bone of the B Bar B band of mares.
~ Booger H Chex 1973 - 1996 AQHA #1059404
Lightning Bar
Doc Bar Dandy Doll
Doc's Hotrodder Poco Tivio
Jamen Tivio Jameen
Bubbling Bill
Bubbling Gold Greyhound Doll
Rosie Gold Rey Del Poblano
Rancho Del Rojo Scarla Blackburn
Bubbling Doc Bar "Boo" was shown in AQHA halter classes as a yearling. He was the New Mexico State Yearling Halter Futurity Champion, the Texas Sate Yearling Halter Futurity Champion and the Oklahoma State Yearling Halter Futurity Champion. He was injured during his two year old year and this hip injury bothered him every time we tried to work him hard on a cow so we decided not to try to show or train him for cutting. He was an extremely "cowey" individual and he passed his keen head and great personality on to all his offspring. He has solid "black type" throughout his pedigree.
"Boo" earned eight AQHA Wins. He has sired several Performance Foals in the American Quarter Horse Association in both the weekend shows and at the World Show. His foals are also money winners in the National Cutting Horse Association, the National Reining Horse Association, the National Reined Cow Horse Association and several ranch hand rodeo associations. He also has winners as heading and heeling horses and calf roping horses. His foals with their personalities won the hearts of several of their owners as pleasure horses that were beautiful to ride anywhere.
"Boo's" daughters and granddaughters are the backbone of the B Bar B's band of mares. His keen head has carried down for generations and is his stamped trade mark on his off spring.
We did not get his replacement-something Katie will always regret.
~ Mr Peppy H Chex 5-20-1990 to 6-15-2012 AQHA #3043827
~ Bubbling Doc Bar 1979 - 1999 AQHA #1547038
King Fritz
Booger H Chex Booger's Jewel
Mr Peppy Chex Peppy San Badger
Miss Sadie San Sadie Solano
Doc's Hotrodder
Bubbling Doc Bar Rosie Gold
A Bubble Buster Missle Step
Miss Blue Angel Blue Peach
PHC Chex Mate is the replacement stallion for his sire - Mr Peppy H Chex. His dam is a performance producer with her foals excelling in the roping and cutting world. Chex Mate’s personality plus his solid conformation and bone makes him an ideal cross on Smokum Darling’s fillies. This is the future of the B Bar B Ranch breeding program. We have chosen not to campaign him in the show world but will let his record stand on his solid “black type” pedigree and the performance of his foals.
His foals are all-around athletics and are in almost every aspect of the western horse industry – pole bending, ranch horses, team roping, team sorting, reining pleasure riding. They are very curious and are good-minded and very trainable by all types of riders.
All of his foals have CM at the beginning of their names. The cross of Chex Mates fillies on Smokum Darling is working well.
~ Smokem Darling 6-11-04 AQHA #X0639786
~ PHC Chex Mate 5-20-2005 AQHA #4667595
Dash For Cash
Dash For Perks Perks
Smoke N Sparks Shawne Bug
Crazy Daisy Savannah Lynn
Raise A Native (TB)
Raise A Bid (TB) Plotter (TB)
Darlin Darlene (TB) Noholme II (TB)
Right Right (TB) Right Turn (TB)
Smoke” is a 16 hand jet black stallion that has been added to the B Bar B Ranch to cross on the cow bred brood mare bands. He is loaded with run in his solid “black type” pedigree. However, it is his gentle personality and stretch in his confirmation that make him a perfect cross on the ranch’s forty-five years of a breeding program. With the strength in the mares with their tremendous bone and depth, his foals are the horses for the future. They all have the solidness of their dams and the stretch from their sire.
We choose not to campaign our stallions but will let them stand on their pedigree and their production records. Smokes off-spring are successfully competing in barrel racing, pole bending, team roping, gym cannon events, pleasure riding, breakaway roping, several high school and college rodeo events and ranch work.
Smokum Darling is nominated in several stallion programs; The Nile Futurities, Barrel Breeders Incentive, JJK Who’s Your Daddy Stallion Stakes and M.G. Barrel Race to name a few.
Katie Breckenridge
Post Office Box 685
Picabo Idaho 83348
Phone 208•788•4424
Power Command
King Fritz Poco Jane
Booger H Chex Booger H
Booger's Jewel Cavell
Mr San Pepy
Peppy San Badger Sugar Badger
Miss Sadie Sam Doc's Solano
Sadie Solano Passing Lane
Mr Peppy H Chex was born on the ranch and we chose not to campaign him in the show world but instead, we chose to let him stand on his pedigree, conformation and outstanding personality. The combination worked very well.
His off-spring speaks for his performance. They are/were winners/money earners in the National Reined Cow Horse Association, The National Reining Horse Association, The National Cutting Horse Association and The American Quarter Horse Association. His foals have also been outstanding heading and heeling horses as well as calf roping horses. There are numerous colts on ranches doing a hard day’s work from branding calves, to roping bulls to being outstanding circle horses. His colts are also great pleasure riding horses and great friends for their respective owners.
His foals are owned and ridden by individuals from all aspects of the horse industry. He was truly an outstanding individual in all ways. His off-spring (mares) are part of the major foundation of our present broodmare band. They all have PHC in front of their names.